After taking several years off from writing, I find that I can no longer ignore the compulsion to study the parts of my life and the amazing, relentless world happening all around us. The novelist Elizabeth Berg wrote, "Oftentimes I need to write about something to understand it." I agree, which is why I've created this blog. I think you can tell a lot about a writer based on what they choose to write about. My work leans toward the general worldview that while it can be seriously hard some days, almost madness, the journey is crucial. And beautiful. Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote that, "Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not." As much as I love to travel the world, I believe the most ordinary days are the ones that shape, instruct, and show us real beauty. That's why I choose to write about my family, the view from my kitchen window, the conversation I overheard at Target, the soup pot on my stove, the leaning tower on my book shelf, and all the other bits and pieces that find their way to my doorstep. "Live big," I remind my children. This blog is one of my efforts to do so.
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